US-based IT firm cites QC eTaxMaps

The Quezon City government has been recognized by an international software company for its use of a geographic information system (GIS) in updating tax maps and property records.

Quezon City’s eTaxMaps (Enhanced Tax Mapping Systems) was among the 175 awardees out of 100,000 nominees for the Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Awards handed out in July at the Esri International User Conference in San Diego, California.

“The SAG Awards identify the organizations and people who are using the power of geography to make our world a better place,” Esri president Jack Dangermond said in a statement.

The eTaxMaps, a joint project of the City Assessor’s Office and the QC Information Technology Development Office, integrates parcel tax maps and land tax records to arrive at a more accurate estimate of revenue potentials in real property taxation. Erika Sauler