Panda needs more practice to get the hang of mating

Xing Xing munching on bamboo at the Giant Panda Conservation Centre at Zoo Negara.

Xing Xing munching on bamboo at the Giant Panda Conservation Centre at Zoo Negara. The Star Online/Asia News Network PHOTO

KUALA LUMPUR — Practice makes perfect, and practice is certainly what Fu Wa the giant panda needs if he is to produce an offspring.

Fu Wa and his mate Feng Yi have yet to conceive despite arriving in Malaysia over a year ago. This is the panda’s second attempt at mating.

Malaysian Zoological Society Giant Panda Conservation Centre and veterinary services director Dr Mat Naim Ramli said captive-born male pandas like Fu Wa were known to “underperform” at the tender age of nine.

“Probably when he reaches his 14th year and with enough exposure to the female panda, he will get the hang of it,” he told reporters during a briefing on the giant panda breeding program at Zoo Negara here on Saturday.

Despite Fu Wa’s inexperience, Dr. Mat Naim said the male panda should have no problems to reproduce as he has quality semen and normal-sized genitals.

The female panda Feng Yi previously gave birth in China several years ago.

Dr. Mat said Zoo Negara was also considering prolonging the time for the two pandas to socialize.

“They can probably socialize in the observation area during visiting hours or we (may) shut the observatory for three to four days to allow them maximum time.

“Pandas have no qualms doing it while in full view of the public and this has been done in China. But it would be tricky if we have schoolchildren that day.

“If we close the observatory, then they can socialize for one whole day,” he added.

In Malaysia, Fu Wa is named “Xing Xing”, which means prosperity, while Feng Yi is “Liang Liang” or pretty.

Dr. Mat Naim also said that at one point, the panda couple were slightly overweight, which was not conducive for mating.

Fu Wa had weighed 153kg, while Feng Yi was 118kg then.

“We reduced 10kg from their 40kg bamboo diet. Fu Wa’s weight dropped to 127kg, while Feng Yi weighs around 105kg and that is ideal,” he said, adding that the pandas were not too happy at first when they had less to eat.

Dr. Mat Naim said they were hopeful that the pandas would succeed at natural mating by next year.

The pandas are on a 10-year stay here to commemorate 40 years of diplomatic ties between Malaysia and China.


‘Inexperienced’ panda Xing Xing fails to perform