
I was heading towards Fuente Osmeña Boulevard when I noticed a  heavy traffic jam. Such a pandemonium was unusual for a day just about to start. The first thought that came to my mind was a vehicular accident happening along the way. Vehicles were crawling to their destinations and motorists were getting upset. I immediately turned to the radio of the car for traffic updates. The commentator announced that there was actually a foiled holdup and shooting incident at the Robinsons mall in the uptown area. Five casualties were immediately reported: three suspected robbers and two security guards.

Lives were sacrificed to defend a bounty of P1.2 million. From the news, I learned that the suspects held up a bank teller carrying cash intended for a money changer outlet near the supermarket. The perpetrators shot the accompanying security personnel who resisted their evil schemes. Providentially, a police car happened to pass by at the right place and at the right time. At the ensuing confrontation, policemen were wounded yet they managed to retaliate and prevented the crime to happen.

The security guards were admirable. They risked themselves as was the call of their duty. In the process, they left their families orphaned. Their wives are heartbroken. Their children could only shed tears of unspeakable pain. Their presence in their homes will be left irreplaceably empty. Their fatherhood had been nipped in the bud. It was a last goodbye when their coffins were carried to their graves.  Indeed the profession of being a security guard involves great sacrifice.

In practice, the presence of such guardians whether in offices, schools or banks bring a strong sense of security. Having them around would already be a deterrent factor for bad elements to think twice. Alertness and presence of mind are qualities most necessary for them to keep. For with their lives they have sworn to protect anyone and anything under their watch. When I see these security guards I am reminded of the providence of God who also sends us guardians and protectors for our spiritual safety.

Oct. 2 is the day of the Guardian Angels.  Angels, like the saints, remind us that we have countless heavenly friends who encourage us along our earthly pilgrimage. Created at the beginning of time, they are pure spirits who minister before God. We are really not alone in this vast terrestrial realm. These  intelligent beings have chosen to love and serve God perpetually.  From scriptures we know some of them. Gabriel is the Messenger who divulged to Mary the greatest secret that she would be the Mother of the Savior (Lk 1:26-38). Rafael is a healer as mentioned in the Book of Tobit. In John’s Book of Revelation, he saw a vision of a battle in heaven where Michael, the Defender, vanquished Satan and his minions (Rev 12).

According to the great doctor of the Church, St. Jerome “great is the dignity of human souls, that each one has, from the dawn of its nativity, an angel assigned for its custody.” While there are “fallen angels” who chose to disobey God deliberately, our Guardian Angels take care of us, pray for us, protect us from evil and moral harm. Even Jesus said: “See that you despise not one of these little children; for I say to you, that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father who is in heaven” (Mt 18:10). St. Bernard of Clairvaux claimed that “from our birth to our death, our Guardian Angel never abandons us, but watches over us as a most faithful friend to whom we owe reverence for his presence, devotion to his kindness and trust in his protection.”

Our Guardian Angels remind us that it is God’s will that we take care of one another. As life is full of perils, we are to watch our steps and be “angels” for each other. God simply gives us guardians and guides by our side in order for us to grow best. And when we feel the weight of our journey, believe that we have spiritual companions along the way to cheer us up. So keep going! You’re not alone.