Results of 2014 bar exams out Thursday
MANILA, Philippines–The Supreme Court announced on Tuesday that the result of the 2014 Bar examination will be released on Thursday.
There are a total of 6,344 law graduates who were allowed to take the examination.
High Court’s Information Chief Theodore Te said a special en banc (full court) will be held on Thursday morning.
“They will deliberate on the results of the 2014 Bar exams. As soon as the Court en banc gives its approval, the grades will be decoded and the names of the successful examinees will be announced,” Te said.
The names of the successful examinees will be posted outside the Supreme Court compound on white boards and on two large screens within the quadrangle of the Court.
A total of 6, 344 law graduates from all over the country were allowed to take the grueling test last October but only 5, 987 were left to endure the last day of the exam.
Last year’s exams also saw more exam re-takers than first-timers with a total of 3, 229 (50.9 percent) compared to the 3, 115 first takers. Earlier, the high court removed the cap on exam retakes as it lifted the five-strike rule. In the 2013 Bar examinations, only 1, 174 out of the 5, 593 examinees managed to passed the exams.Chairman of the 2014 Bar Examination Committee is Associate Justice Diosdado Peralta.
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