‘Citizen Andrea’ asks Senate to investigate effects of contraceptives

MANILA, Philippines – A citizen’s petition to investigate the effects of contraceptives has been filed at the Senate.

Ma. Andrea Mendizo’s petition was the first in history, Senate Majority Leader Vicente “Tito” Sotto III said on Wednesday.

“This is the first time that is going to be used in our Constitution,” Sotto said.

“They want an investigation, they want an inquiry…whether you want it to call a lobby or not it depends on the questions. Now, may nagla-lobby o hindi as long as they are Filipino citizens I don’t find any wrong. What I find wrong is the United Nations or group connected to UN lobbying in the Philippine Congress, ‘yon ang tingin ko talagang mali,” he further said.

Senate President Juan Ponce-Enrile, who opposed the proposed RH bill, did not also consider the petition a pressure on senators.

“No, people can come to us and ask us to conduct an investigation. We look at it, if it is germane, proper, then we will act,” Enrile said in a separate interview.

Besides, the Senate leader said, it would be useless to lobby with him because when he makes a stand on an issue, he would fight for it even by himself.

“It is useless really to lobby with me. I have my own stand on an issue, I stand by that. They cannot change my mind. I can tell them that I stand alone if necessary,” he said.