Calling on the military to not use violence against the people
Radio Veritas
February 23, 1986, 3:07 a.m.
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, this is Cardinal Sin speaking. I appeal to you all once again for sobriety and calm. Let us not be provoked by selfish motives and interests.
I appeal in a special way to the men in uniform, to the Armed Forces of the Philippines. We Filipinos are not the kind of people to kill brother Filipinos. Let us not be goaded to hatred and violence. Our way must be the way of peace.
The presence of military tanks and war weapons to threaten the people in search of true peace is too distressing. Do not allow yourselves to be used. I challenge you to prove to the world that we are men of integrity, men of true valor, whose loyalty is to God and to the country.
Thank you and I am praying for you. I have asked all the Contemplative Sisters to expose the Blessed Sacrament and to pray so that peace would reign in our country. Long live the Philippines. God bless you.
Source: Radio Veritas, PDI Research
Archbishop Jaime Cardinal Sin appealed to the military to not use force against the people gathered along EDSA to support General Fidel Ramos and Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile.
EDSA DAY 1: February 22, 1986
EDSA DAY 2: February 23, 1986
EDSA DAY 3: February 24, 1986
EDSA DAY 4: February 25, 1986