Santiago wants Binay-Trillanes debate televised to see who lies

MANILA, Philippines—Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago is all for televising the sought after debate of Vice President Jejomar Binay and Senator Antonio Trillanes IV.

“I-televise sana. Para makita natin kung sino nagsasabi ng totoo,” Santiago told Radyo Inquirer 990AM on Thursday.

(I hope it is televised. So we’ll see who is telling the truth.)

The formal trial court judge said television allows people to see the facial expression and non-verbal cues of people.

Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago. FILE PHOTO

“May rules kaming trial judges on how to tell if a person is lying,” she explained.

(We trial judges have rules on how to tell if a person is lying.)

The two officials agreed to a public debate amid a Senate blue ribbon committee hearing on Binay’s alleged ill-gotten wealth.

Trillanes was the one who filed for a resolution seeking a probe on the alleged overpriced Makati City Hall 2 Building.

Santiago said she also wanted to see how the debate would go since Binay is a lawyer while Trillanes was a military man.

“It will be case of legal strategy versus military strategy,” she said.

However, she cautioned that Binay would be taking the defensive, which is “always a weak position.”

She added that even if the debate is held outside Senate, Trillanes would still have parliamentary immunity since it is connected to his work.


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