In need of creativity

Allow me to articulate my position on the hot issue of the Reproductive Health (RH) bill. I am a Catholic and a member of the Oasis of Love community. I humbly submit that I am against the RH bill the way it is being pushed by Congress.

I had the opportunity to travel south from Manila up Subic Zambales and observed large tracts of lands that are practically uninhabited. According to Rev. Fr. Roderick Salazar, SVD, former president of the University of San Carlos, God has gifted us with the talent of creativity yet our government has failed to muster the creativity to address the problem it wants to address through the RH bill.

Why don’t we come up with a bill that covers all health needs of women instead of focusing on the RH bill which focuses on birth regulation by introducing artificial methods of birth control? This is a decision that is best left solely to adult couples.

Sex education plays a very important part in the lives of our young and I agree that it may be introduced in school but highly qualified and competent faculty should teach it unlike before where a teacher would bring a banana and insert it into a condom to demonstrate the use of prophylactics. That was tragic. I think our lawmakers should be sensitive to the sensibility of the majority of Filipinos who are Catholics instead of challenging it. There are better and more creative ways of confronting the issue.


The Cebu City government is facing another controversy over the Inayawan dumpsite with the leak of garbage leachate into the seawater.

I am glad the city government finally exercised political will in closing the overused landfill. The land can be used for something productive like a housing project for the poor.

We must relentlessly pursue the no-segregation-no-collection garbage policy because it teaching our people a neat lesson on discipline.

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Councilor Alvin Dizon of the Cebu City Council’s housing committee complained that Mayor Rama failed to update councilors on developments of the provincial lots in the 93-1 case.

I think Dizon should be reminded that the solution of the case involves the executive department only and it will be resolved by the parties concerned with or without the council.

Besides, there is no need to worry because Mayor Rama knows the case from head to foot and is responsible in handling the issue for the city of Cebu.

Mayor Rama will always put the interest of the public above his. I just hope there are no officials who have interests in the lands involved in Provincial Ordinance 93-1.

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I really pity Talisay City Mayor Soc Fernandez who looked silly when he visited his controversial son Joavan in jail wearing a crash helmet.

I understand the position taken by Brod Soc towards his son. True enough, only a father can do such a thing. But many were perplexed by the way Mayor Soc defended his son and berated the Cebu City police for arresting Joavan.

Mayor Soc should realize that he must protect his son from harm.

Send Joavan for rehabilitation and don’t wait for him to create more trouble and die in the hands of the police with whom he often crosses paths. It is best for Mayor Soc to be part of the solution instead of the problem.

Mayor Soc, I really appreciate the unconditional love that you have shown your son. Believe me, few can do what you have done for him. But please listen to advice from well-meaning friends.

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Three weeks ago, I had the opportunity to visit the Shrine of Mama Mary in Lindogon in Sibonga town. That was simple to do four years ago.

Because so many people go there now, a lot of developments have taken place. The last time I went, I took a path straight to the statue of Mama Mary and prayed. I also saw many letters of thanksgiving for the miracles.

This time in prayer, I offered my illness to Mama Mary.