Senior citizens get cash with no envelopes

CASH bills amounting to P2,000 were handed without envelopes to senior citizens yesterday in barangays Kalunasan and Apas, Cebu City.

Mayor Michael Rama said he decided to do away with the envelopes all together after being accused of political self-promotion in using envelopes with his photo and name on them, which triggered a graft complaint by Rep. Tomas Osmeña.

“That does not necessarily mean an admission of guilt like what the congressman is saying,” said Rama.

Rama said he planned to make another batch of envelopes with just the official seal of the city government and the words “Mayor’s office and the City Council—together we can make things happen” to identify where the money came from.

He said it was necessary to place the cash in envelopes to prevent loss.

The city is giving out financial assistance to the last batch of senior citizens in barangays Pamutan, Toong and Buhisan today.

Distribution after that will resume in December for the Christmas gifts of the senior citizens.

Vice Mayor Joy Augustus Young wrote Rama yesterday asking him not to use the seal of the city.

“May I request to refrain from involving the city council as we find it inconsistent having read your order, through the city administrator, to follow the DILG order on putting our names and pictures on projects. As you know this came about as a directive of President Aquino,” said Young in his letter to the mayor.

Young suggested to just do what was done last year—give out cash without any envelope.

He said the envelopes would just be thrown away by the beneficiaries after taking out the cash and result to “waste.”

Meanwhile, Rama ordered the suspension of the distribution of financial assistance to about 800 senior citizens in barangay Camputhaw.

The mayor said the distribution was disorderly and the place was overcrowded, making it unsafe for the elderly.

He said he thee distribution would continue later under more orderly conditions.