Saudi needs 500 nurses

THE Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) assures that it is safe to work in Saudi Arabia despite continuing political conflicts in some parts of Middle East.

Evelia Durato, Regional Director of POEA gave the assurance last Thursday after the Health Ministry of Saudi told her of the up to 500 vacant posts for nurses in Saudi Arabia.

Durato said even if  the United States closed its doors for Filipino nurses, Saudi Arabia’s doors remained open with their demand for Filipino nurses.

Durato assured the nurse applicants that professional workers in Saudi were safe and that Filipino nurses would work in modern hospitals.

She also said that since the work for the nurses were negotiated through a government-to-government commitment, they would be compensated well and their safety would be assured.

Durato said that the nurses’ salary for these jobs would range from P35,000 to P40,000 monthly.

The rate could go up depending on the work experience of the nurse.

She said not all applicants can get the job. The Saudi government would look into the work experience of the nurse applying.

A six-month working experience will be required for the nursing applicants.

The applicant should first register online at the website of POEA in their e-registration page. The other requirements are the applicant’s employment certificate and the PRC registration./Correspondent Carine M. Asutilla