College campus sleepwalker statue vandalized

A fiberglass sculpture at Wellesley College, entitled “Sleepwalker,” is surrounded by cones and yellow caution tape, Wednesday, May 22, 2014, after being defaced Tuesday night with yellow paint on its face, left arm, left leg, and a foot. AP

WELLESLEY, Massachusetts — An outdoor, lifelike sculpture of a man sleepwalking in his underpants that provoked some concern on a Massachusetts college campus in February has been vandalized.

The fiberglass sculpture at Wellesley College, entitled “Sleepwalker,” was defaced Tuesday night by yellow paint on its face, left arm, left leg, and a foot. It was one of several properties on campus vandalized, and campus police are investigating.

Some students at the women’s college had criticized the statue as threatening and demanded that it be removed.

But the statue is scheduled to stay up until July. It is part of a larger exhibit by sculptor Tony Matelli at a campus museum.

Wellesley President H. Kim Bottomly said in a statement that the acts of vandalism are “criminal in nature and carry potentially serious consequences.”


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