Rescue team divers dive into the water to search passengers near the buoys which were installed to mark the area of the sunken ferry Sewol in the water off the southern coast near Jindo, south of Seoul, South Korea, Monday, April 21, 2014. South Korean President Park Geun-hye said Monday that the captain and some crew members of the sunken ferry committed “unforgivable, murderous behavior” in the disaster, which left more than 300 people dead or missing. AP
SEOUL, South Korea— South Korea’s president has apologized to the public for the government’s poor initial response to a ferry sinking that has left more than 300 people missing or dead.
The apology came as divers Tuesday fought strong currents in their search for more than 100 missing passengers. The government has raised the death toll on what has become a point of national mourning and shame to 193. Most of the dead and missing are high school students.
President Park Geun-hye said at a cabinet meeting at the presidential Blue House that South Korea has “lost many precious lives because of the accident, and I am sorry to the public and am heavy-hearted.” She says the government couldn’t prevent the accident and “the initial response and remedy were insufficient.”
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