DOH warns of heat stroke and other summer woes

Health Secretary Enrique Ona. FILE PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines—With temperatures starting to rise, the Department of Health is cautioning the public about heat stroke and other diseases commonly acquired during summer.

In a press briefing, Health Secretary Enrique Ona said the summer season could be fun, but it could also cause many health problems.

He said among the common diseases associated with summer is heat stroke, which occurs when the body overheats due to the heat and too much exposure to the sun.

Too much heat exposure can trigger dehydration, weakness, headache and fatigue, and sometimes increased respiratory rate, said Ona.

To avoid heat stroke, he advised the public to drink lots of water and avoid physical activity for long periods of time under the sun.

Ona also issued a warning on the six most common summer diseases or conditions, dubbed “6S.” These  are: vomiting and diarrhea, sore eyes or conjunctivitis, sunburn, colds and cough, skin diseases, and dog bites.