Former Sharia Court judge testifies on PNP chopper deal

MANILA, Philippines — A former Sharia Court judge has been called to testify at Tuesday’s resumption of the Senate investigation into the alleged anomalous purchase of second-hand helicopters to the Philippine National Police.

“I was told that ex-Judge Moner is here in the gallery. And I’d like to manifest that he be called,” said Senator Panfilo Lacson, referring to Nagamura Moner who is expected to link the  controversial PNP helicopters to the  alleged massive  cheating  in the 2004 presidential elections.

Lacson said he met with Moner last Friday  to  discuss his possible  appearance  this Tuesday when  the Senate blue ribbon committee looks into the used helicopters  sold as brand  new to the  PNP in 2009.

The used  choppers  allegedly belonged to  First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo, who vehemently  denied the allegation.

Lacson said Moner faced the Senate inquiry in 2005 at the height of the so-called “Hello  Garci scandal”, the alleged phone conversation  between then  President and now Pampanga Representative Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and resigned elections commissioner  Virgillio Garcillano.

But Lacson said Moner lied during  the 2005 investigation and the senator said he expected that this time, the former judge would tell the whole truth before the Senate.