Uniquely Enchay

MY SISTER Maria Lorenza, whom we fondly call

“Enchay,” is someone I cannot quite fully describe

in words. She is an accomplished and hilariously funny dynamo of a woman. My sister Ana and my four brothers will quickly agree with me.

A retired vice-president of Bank of America,

Enchay’s boundless energy is translated into a

well-organized lifestyle. She is a kind and generous

person and her beautiful home in San Diego,

California has become a central station to our

family because my 92-year-old mother lives with her and another younger sister, Ana.

With my mother advancing in years, my (four) brothers and I find ourselves traveling to San Diego to spend time with our “Nanay.” This means enjoying the hospitality of the San Diego household

of my sisters. But more than the hospitality, I love the culinary surprises when I visit. I get to observe and watch my sisters whip up their wizardry in their chosen culinary specialties. Ana makes great salads with her own gourmet dressings while Enchay has polished her natural flair for baking after taking up special courses in baking and cake decorating. Her kitchen is well equipped with the latest sophisticated gadgets and a pantry of baking supplies. And over several of my visits,

I have accumulated useful culinary tips that I will not find anywhere.

Our cooking and baking sessions are always punctuated with so much laughter. Enchay’s sense of humor is infectious and her punch lines are guaranteed to give all of us a bellyache from laughing. Her witticisms come naturally with nary an effort

to be funny. And while she is at it, we all marvel at how efficiently she moves about with clockwork precision in cleaning, cooking and keeping her beautiful house especially the kitchen gleaming with cleanliness and orderliness.

Her talent for baking is fast catching up through word of mouth so Enchay has been accepting orders for her baked items like her melt-in-your-mouth enseimada, cookies and cupcakes for special occasions. A well-kept recipe she acquired from a prominent matron when she took up special baking lessons in Manila many years ago, her enseimadas, continue to put OMG expressions from family, friends and customers. My impression of the boring cupcakes has come alive with the innovations she puts in. Aside from the exquisite decorations, the cupcakes are interestingly delightful and toothsome. She hides surprises

in the cupcake batter that put

a smile in every bite. In our last cooking session, she baked Malted Milk Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache Icing, a whipped filling of chocolate and cream. While making the ganache,

Enchay emphasizes that the right temperature of the cream that is poured and whipped with shaven semi-sweet dark chocolate is very important to get the right consistency.

The cupcake must be frosted before the ganache

becomes too thick as it cools.

When she brings me shopping for the items she needs for baking I always get a feeling of

culinary awe. I can only wish I can bring home

all the items Enchay wants to generously give. I carefully choose the items that I know are difficult to get back home. That is my sister—so uniquely
