DSWD exec: No permit needed for CCMC drive

An official of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) yesterday took the side of Cebu City Hall that the ongoing fund-raising drive for the Cebu City Medical Center (CCMC) doesn’t need to get a solicitation permit from the national government agency.

“Under the Solicitation Permit Law, only private organizations need permit from the DSWD. The Cebu City government doesn’t need a DSWD permit because it’s within their jurisdiction,” DSWD Assistant Regional Director Marcial Fernandez said.

The statement puts to rest a debate on the issue.

Deputy Ombudsman for the Visayas Pelagio Apostol earlier suggested that the city government need to secure a DSWD permit in compliance with a 1933 law that regulates solicitations.

During yesterday’s 888 News Forum, Fernandez said Presidential Decree 1564 which amended Commonwealth Act 4075 or the Solicitation Permit Law gives DSWD exclusive authority to regulate solicitations or receiving contributions for charitable or public welfare purposes.

But Fernandez said under the Local Government Code of RA 7160, city and municipal mayors are given authority to regulate the holding of activities for charitable and welfare purposes within their respective jurisdiction.


Such activities may be in the form of benefit shows or dances, bingo socials for charity, raffle draws and similar activities.

“As long as they are doing the solicitation within their jurisdiction, there is no problem,” he said.

But Fernandez suggested that the Cebu City government, through its City Council, recognize and allow the solicitation and that there be proper accounting and transparency of the money collected.

Sought for her comment, Cebu City Councilor Mary Ann Delos Santos, who was assigned by Mayor Michael Rama to head the campaign, said a City Council resolution is redundant as the drive is already ongoing. “It has already been recognized by the council. It was attended by all, even members of the other party. That itself is a recognition,” Delos Santos said.


She referred to the official launching of the campaign last October 21.

Asked if she would file a council resolution to formally recognize and allow the executive department to do the solicitation, she said “I personally find it redundant. It was already recognized.” As for accountability and transparency, delos Santos said proceeds of the campaign are all deposited into one trust fund.

She said individuals or groups who donate may be given an official receipt by the City Treasurer’s Office. “For those dropping coins and bills in our donation boxes, there is a daily remittance to the treasurer’s office,” she said. Apostol earlier suggested that Cebu City Hall temporarily stop its fund-raising campaign to construct a new building for the CCMC.

Apostol said while the Cebu City government’s intention is noble, they should have mechanisms to ensure that all donations are accounted for.