Cops kill 4 Sayyaf bandits in Pata town, Sulu

Abu Sayyaf group. AP FILE PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines—Four Abu Sayyaf men were killed Monday in a clash with a police team which was hunting the bandits in Sulu, the Philippine National Police said Tuesday.

The 20-minute gunfight occurred in Tumaddas, a coastal village in Pata town, where four unidentified members of the terrorist group were gunned down.

According to the PNP report, before the encounter, police have been conducting a pursuit operation in the municipality since Saturday, targeting Abu Sayyaf members linked to a series of kidnappings of civilians in Sulu and Tawi-Tawi provinces.

No casualties from the police were reported.

The PNP said its hunt for Abu Sayyaf involved in the kidnapping of civilians will continue.

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