Military officer accuses MILF leader of conniving with Abu Sayyaf

Moro Islamic Liberation Front AFP FILE PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines—A military officer based in Basilan has accused a leader of the Moro Islamic National Liberation Front of conniving with terrorist group Abu Sayyaf.

Colonel Carlito Galvez of the Army’s 104th Brigade filed a complaint to the chairman of Ad Hoc Joint Action Group, Major General Leo Cresente Ferrer, against MILF leader Malista Malanka and his group. It was filed on October 9.

The AHJAG is the cooperative mechanism between the government and the MILF that responds to criminality and terrorism in MILF areas.

Ferrer said on Thursday that the International Monitoring Team already went there to investigate.

Galvez accused Malanka, a resident of Ulitan villega in Ungkaya Pukan “for his continuous involvement in lawless activities, aiding terrorist groups and providing safe haven and passage for Abu Sayaff Group under Furuji Indama and Sulayman Adjanti alias Ulay.”

Early this month, during a four-hour firefight between the Abu Sayyaf and the Army’s 11th Scout Ranger Company in Tongbato village, reinforcements from Malista’s group came to aid the Abu Sayyaf, according to Galvez.

Galvez asked Haji Dan Asnawi, commander of MILF 114 Base Command, to intervene and withdraw the troops. They both agreed to a ceasefire but Malista’s group with the ASG continued to fire the government troops.

This led to the death of two military personnel, including Captain Harold Camazo of the Army. The ASG also had three fatalities, including the aid of Muads Indama, aide of ASG leader Furiji Indama).

Galvez said there were “clear indications” that the ASG and Malista’s group “deliberately planned to entrap the government forces” with their prepared positions, target reference points and clearing at the possible government approach.

“The employment of mortars, tear gas, sniper fires and seemingly rehearsed reinforcements from Malista’s Group from Ulitan with civilian jeeps and motorcycles were clear indications of strong collusion between Malista Malangka and Furuji Indama,” Galvez said.

Malanka is also tagged in other land grabbing activities, ASG kidnap for ransom, extortion and other illegal activities.

Galvez recommended immediate sanction and MILF delisting of Malanka’s group, as well as sumbission of complete listing of MILF members in Basilan.

He also suggested “strong sanctions” from the MILF Central COmmand to MILF commanders who are colluding with the ASG.


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