ASIDE from the P10,000 mandatory contributions it is asking from the barangays, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) in Mandaue has asked the city government for an additional aid of P1.6 million for the upcoming barangay polls.
Anna Fleur Abelgas-Gujilde, election officer of Mandaue sent a letter to Mayor Jonas Cortes about the need for more funds for the additional allowance and transportation needs of the Board of Election Inspectors (BEI) and the meal and gas allowance of policemen.
So far, 24 of Mandaue’s 27 barangays already shelled out P10,000 each for the October 28 barangay elections. Barangays Tipolo, Maguikay and Opao have yet to give their contributions to Comelec but even if they do, Gujilde said the amount collected would still not be enough.
The transportation allowance of each BEI is P500 plus an additional allowance of P300. There are about 1,551 BEI for Mandaue’s 515 clustered precincts.
Gujilde said Cortes already assured to help although the money will not be released immediately because this would have to go through the usual budgetary process.
Jamaal James Calipayan, the executive secretary of Cortes, said the amount will be taken from re-aligned funds for barangays and they are now working on the Comelec’s request.
Comelec expects the full amount to be out by November although Gujilde will request that some P200,000 intended for the needs of policemen will be released earlier.
The local police will be renting private vehicles during the elections to improve mobility and visibility, but Gujilde said only the policemen’s allowance for gas and meals will be charged against the P200,000.
As of now, no barangay in Mandaue was identified as a cause for concern. The Comelec said authorities will assess the situation in each area after the end of filing of the certificates of candidacy. /Jucell Marie P. Cuyos, Reporter