A 22-YEAR-OLD construction worker allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself inside her grandmother’s house in barangay Gunting, Barili town, Cebu.

Police said Jemar Gako Gemperoso was found dead Wednesday afternoon with a nylon rope looped around his neck and the other end tied to a wooden beam.

Police said it was the victim’s brother who found the body.

Police said the man’s relatives could not think of any reason that could have driven the victim to commit suicide.

According to the relatives, the victim was a silent type of person who kept his problems to himself, police said.

Police said the relatives were convinced that there was no foul play in the man’s death./CORRESPONDENT CHRISTINE EMILY L. PANTALEON


A 19-YEAR-OLD man climbed an electric post after he and his girlfriend fought in barangay Talavera, Toledo City.

The man climbed the post around 6 a.m. yesterday. The man perched atop the post for at least three hours before he was convinced by his girlfriend to go down.

Police said the man only agreed to go down when his girlfriend arrived.

Police said the couple fought the night before the incident.

Jealousy was the cause of the fight, said SPO4 Carmelito Hornales of the Toledo Police Station.

Hornales said firetrucks and ambulance rushed to the area.

The man was later brought to a hospital in Cebu City for a medical examination, police said./CORRESPONDENT CHRISTINE EMILY L. PANTALEON