Jaguars retain Cesafi football crown

THE UNIVERSITY of San Jose-Recoletos (USJ-R) retained its tertiary division title after beating the University of San Carlos (USC) in the championship match of the Cesafi football competition yesterday at the Cebu City Sports Center football field.

USJ-R had to go through an extended period and a penalty shootout to defeat USC, 4-3, after both teams finished the regulation scoreless.

USJ-R team captain Ricko de Guzman, who missed three attempts in regulation, nailed the first penalty shootout goal for the Jaguars.

USC’s team captain Karl Vincent Arcenas answered with a goal to tie the match at 1-1.

Harold Daga broke the tie in favor of USJ-R but Matthew Miñoza sank an equalizer with his make.

Anthony Bryan Tabuelog gave USJ-R the lead anew while USJ-R’s goal keeper Joel Francis Cahilog denied Carlo Abella’s shot.

USJ-R’s celebration was short-lived after Junifer Ebero missed his attempt while USC’s John Daniel Caballero tied the match, 3-3.

Jestone Pialago shot the game-winning goal for USJ-R while USC’s Noel Junior Madraga missed his shot to hand the crown to the Jaguars.

Meanwhile, the University of Southern Philippines-Foundation placed third after beating the University of Cebu, 9-8, via penalty shootout. /CORRESPONDENT DALE G. ROSAL