Pope Francis ‘invokes divine strength and comfort’ upon grieving families

POPE Francis offered prayers and expressed his grief over the Aug. 16 sea mishap in Cebu that sank the  MV St. Thomas Aquinas,  which carried over 700 people on board.

Pope Francis, through Vatican state secretary Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone,  sent a telegram to Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma to convey his condolences to the victims of the accident, which left at least 56 dead and over 60 still missing.

“His Holiness Pope Francis was deeply saddened by the tragic loss of life resulting from the ferry boat accident off the central port of Cebu.

“He assures all affected of his closeness in prayer and commends the victims to the loving mercy of Almighty God,” stated  the telegram signed by Cardinal Bertone.

“The Holy Father invokes divine strength and comfort upon the grieving families, the injured, and those involved in the rescue efforts.” /Ador Vincent S. Mayol, Reporter