Classes back at school stricken by meningo

TACLOBAN CITY—Classes at  Eastern Visayas State University (EVSU) resumed on Monday, four days after the school president ordered them suspended following the death of a student stricken with meningococcemia.

Dominador Aguirre Jr., EVSU president, ordered the suspension of classes on Aug. 8 to allow medical workers to “do the necessary procedures and treatment.” He said classes were suspended after consultation with health officials.

A high school student died on Aug. 5 at  Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center (EVRMC), Tacloban City, four days after she complained of high fever and body malaise.

Six of the student’s classmates were said to have shown similar symptoms but were, however, found to be negative of meningococcemia.

Dr. Minerva Molon, assistant regional health director, said there was no need to panic.

Leslie Estorninos, university vice president, said everything is back to normal.