What God detests

I hate colored foods. I want to eat simply prepared foods without too many+++ colors on it. My dog hates poop. Even if it’s his own, he’d rather stand still than move near it.

I hate bullies. I consider them more insecure than the people they’re bullying.

Hate is a negative feeling that makes one sad when it is being felt.

That’s why when I read in the book of Proverbs that God hates six things, I stopped and got curious. I don’t want to be hated by God. So I read on to know what these six things are.

Proverbs 6:16-19 says, “Six things the Lord hates; in fact, seven are detestable to him : eyes that are arrogant, a tongue that lies, hands that murder the innocent, a heart that hatches evil plots, feet that race down a wicked track, a mouth that lies under oath and a troublemaker in the family.”
I looked up the difference between “hate” and “detest”. Why would God say He hates 6 but detests 7? Most of us think “detest” is stronger than “hate” because we think “hate” is a simple feeling, but “detest” requires more thought.

God hates 6 things and after giving it some thought, actually detests all of them plus the last one. These things become a serious issue then. What God detests can hinder our salvation if we do or have them.

Arrogant Eyes. The poem Desiderata states: “If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.” Haughty eyes are seen in vain people who think you are greater than themselves.  God doesn’t like this. He made us unique. We’re not all the same.

A Tongue That Lies: Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Even when He is the Son of God, He never lied His way to show He can  get ahead with anything. He always spoke the truth and this brought Him to His death. Let’s do the same. Not to die on the cross but to always speak the truth.

Hands That Murder the Innocent: It’s simply the 6th commandment– You shall not kill! This is another consequence when you look down on other people. You would not hesitate to kill them because for you, everyone else is nothing compared to you.

A Mouth that Lies under Oath: Quite related to the previous condition. You use your own understanding of the truth from God to spread lies about others. Again, you want to look good and better than others.

A Heart That Plots Wicked Schemes: This is not quite far from the previous condition. It is also killing a person by wishing, thinking and speaking evil about them. This kind of heart is not after God’s own heart. Evil will never prevail.

Feet Eagar to Run to Evil: When you feel dejected and hopeless, do you go to God or resort to drugs, alcohol, parties and more parties? God hates it when you don’t come to Him as your source of hope and relief. Seek God first and all the rest will be okay. We can do all things through Him who strengthens us like what Philippians 4:13 teaches.

God hates these first six things but added this seventh item which He detests.

A Trouble-Maker in the Family: Do you meddle in the affairs of others? Even if others are doing wrong, act with prudence to help them instead of creating more trouble with gossiping about them to others. Sometimes what we think is good to do are damaging to others. Seek God’s wisdom in all you do. There will be peace not trouble.

All six items are results if we love to create troubles instead of keeping peace. We can’t be the opposite of God. We can never be at level with God but we can have His heart. God is love. God is peace.

Have a heart of love and peace and you can never do the 6 things that God hates. The salvation of our soul and our inheritance in heaven are at stake. We can’t afford to lose that. We can’t afford to be under God’s hate list but we can work hard to be the apple of His eyes instead.