3 public schools get new electrical installation

AT least three public elementary schools in southern Cebu have new electrical installations.

The Visayan Electric Co. (Veco) replaced all the substandard electrical wirings of Vito Elementary School in Minglanilla town on Aug. 10, San Fernando Central School in San Fernando on Aug. 12 and Naga Central School Naga City on Aug. 17.

Vito Elementary School (VES) principal Elsa Abatayo expressed her gratitude to Veco’s community relations manager Eric Ching during the turnover of newly rewired schools.

“Thanks to Veco because our teachers will no longer contribute money to buy circuit breakers. The smell of burnt wires in our offices has gone,” she said.

In a turnover ceremony, the school’s 28 teachers and 1,436 students gave a short presentation  witnessed by Minglanilla Vice Mayor Elanito Peña, Vito barangay captain and Parents-Teachers Association president Jennifer Lariosa, Schools Division OIC Ivo Adam and Veco representatives.

On the other hand, Assistant Schools Division Supt. Judiana Corriente said San Fernando Central School is now safe from fire with the newly installed electrical wires. Fires are mostly caused by faulty electrical wiring.

San Fernando Mayor Antonio Canoy who attended the occasion last Aug. 12 expressed support for the upcoming projects of Veco in his town that are focused on education.

Five days after, Veco turned over the fully rewired 53 classrooms of Naga Central School (NCES). NCES principal Alfonso Misa said the school has never undergone any rewiring.

Misa promised to properly use electricity and conserve energy.

Ricky Lacson, Veco vice president for customer services group and administration, encouraged the teachers, parents and community members to practice positive behavior intervention and support system in school and in home, in the proper use of electricity and help Veco preach energy conservation.

Veco’s energy audit and electrical-system upgrading project is jointly managed with Aboitiz Foundation, the social development arm of the Aboitiz Group.