Honasan wants Senate probe into series of rubouts

Sen. Gregorio Honasan. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines – A congressional inquiry into recent human rights violations allegedly perpetrated by certain officers of the Philippine National Police (PNP) has been sought at the Senate.

In filing a resolution, Senator Gringo Honasan saw the need for a review of the rules of engagement and upgrading of operational procedures in the PNP.

Honasan specifically cited the Atimonan, Quezon rubout last January and the recent killing of Ozamiz robbery gang members allegedly by police officers.

“These incidents require investigation or inquiry to avoid premature and prejudicial trial by publicity,” he said in a statement on Thursday.

But neophyte Senator Grace Poe, who now heads the Senate committee on public order, was not inclined to conduct an investigation in every reported rubout involving policemen if the proper authorities were already doing their job.

“As long as the agencies that are supposed to do the investigating are doing their job, I do not think the Senate should overstep their mandate,” Poe said during a weekly forum at the Senate.

“However, I think we need to do separate briefing from the heads of the PNP and those that have influence among their peers to see the lapses,” she added.