JVR washes hands on SRP ‘cease’ order

Talisay City Mayor Johnny delos Reyes yesterday denied having a hand in the issuance of the cease and desist order against Cebu City.

The newly-minted mayor said that he only learned about the CDO from media reports yesterday morning.

Delos Reyes however, said that he had been briefed on the South Road Properties (SRP) issue, but insisted that he was not behind the issuance of the CDO which was signed by Talisay City legal officer Alfredo Sipalay,

“Wala koy kalibutan ana. Karon pa ko nakahibalo ana. Dapat kahibalo ko, (I’m not aware of the CDO. It’s only now that I got to know about the matter. I should have been informed.)” he said.

The mayor however said that he concurs with the position of his legal officer to claim jurisdiction of a portion of the SRP.

Delos Reyes said it cannot be denied that Cebu City owns the entire SRP being the one who developed the project. However, since a portion of the reclamation lies within Talisay City’s jurisdiction, the Cebu City government should also show “respect” to its neighbor and secure the needed permits.

“Regarding sa ilang yuta, wala na mi labot ana. Ang among gusto nga mabayaran lang mi ug naay buhis (We don’t have any business with their property. What we’re after is that we get paid of the necessary taxes),” he said.

Delos Reyes said the issue can be discussed by the two local government units without having to go to court.

“Ug ato nang tugkaron dili na na angay mo agi sa korte. Ug unsay amo, ihatag namo. Ug unsay ila, ‘di ila. Simple ra kaayo ang issue. Ug nasakop sa Talisay ari mo pangayo ug permit sa Talisay (The issue need not reach the court. Give us what is due us. If it is within the jurisdiction of Talisay City, they should get a permit from us),” he said.

While they are willing to settle the issue amicably, Delos Reyes said they would not hesitate to go to court if Cebu City would not dialog with them.

He also denied speculations that former Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña was the one who enticed him to make claims on a portion of the SRP to jeopardize the Rama administration.

“Dili na lang ta anang storya nga kinsa kaha ang nag hung-hung. ang ato ug unsay sakto (Let’s not talk about stories on what triggered the claim. What we’re after is what is right),” he said.

The Talisay City legal office said they want to penalize the Cebu City government for construct ing a jetty without getting any clearance from the Talisay City government.

“We still don’t have the definite figure for penalties yet,” Sipalay said.

Work continues on both projects despite the CDO issued by Talisay City.

Mayor Michael Rama said he does not intend to heed the CDO because the city government owns the 300-hectare SRP.

will soon be sending Talisay City in response to the CDO.