Olango island, Siquijor also eco-tourism winners

A MOTHER of two from Olango Island, Lapu-Lapu city was overwhelmed after receiving a trophy for her work in promoting eco-tourism in the Olango’s Bird Sanctuary.

“Dili masukod ang akong gibati nga kalipay. Wala gyud ko magdahum nga mahatagan ko og award,” said 38-year-old Stella Oral.

(My happiness can’t be measured. I never expected to be given an award)

Oral was one of three women in Central Visayas, aside from the mayor of Aloguinsan town, Cebu who were awarded as “Inang Kalikasan” champions by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in a contest of 21 eco-tourism sites in the Philippines.

Oral is president of the Olango Island Eco-Tour Association (OIETA), which guides visitors in the Olango Bird Sanctuary in barangay San Vicente.

She was credited for revitalizing the group with 37 members in 2011, according to a DENR 7 press statement.

The organization which started in 1995 was dissolved three years after, but through Oral’s efforts and enthusiasm, she revived the association to promote eco-tours and continues to protect mangroves there.

The Oral family makes shellcraft using “nasa” shells and also receive a monthly honorarium of P500 from an NGO to clean the coastal areas of Sabang and San Vicente.

There are plans to establish a Bird Festival in Olango, said Hembler Mendoza, Lapu-Lapu city’s tourism officer in an interview.

“This will educate visitors about the different migratory birds coming from other parts of the world and local birds,” he said.

Olango is an international wetland for migratory birds who fly from Siberia and come to rest and feed in the mudflats of the island.

The three women received trophies for winning in the category of self-reliant group (SRG).

Aloguinsan Mayor Cynthia Moreno was cited for her leadership in developing the river community in Bojo through the Bojo Aloguinsan Eco-Tourism Association (BAETAS).

Glory Abing, business manager of the Luyang Fisher Folks Association in Siquijor province was commended for organizing a group which conducts regular mangrove rehabilitation in Luyang town. /Correspondents Joy Quito and Norman Mendoza