What happened? Family says solon only one to explain shooting incident

WHY DID HE DO IT? Rep. Jose Benjamin “Benjo” Benaldo is shown with his wife, Brazilian model Daiana Menezes, inside an ambulance for his transfer from New Era Hospital to St. Luke’s Medical Center in Quezon City. This Instagram photo was taken by Rep. Miro Quimbo. ARNOLD ALMACEN

MANILA, Philippines — Whatever happened in the confines of former Cagayan de Oro Representative Benjo Benaldo’s office the night he was found with a gunshot wound to his chest will be his to explain once he recuperates, the former lawmaker’s parents said Wednesday.

In a statement, Serafin and Almira Benaldo said “the former Congressman will himself address the issues arising from the near fatal incident in his office in the evening of June 27.”

They said that Benaldo’s doctors at the St. Luke’s Medical Center declared the former lawmaker “past the most critical stage” of his condition but said he still needed constant monitoring at the hospital.

Benaldo was rushed to the hospital for treatment after his staff found him bloodied inside his office at the House of Representatives last week.

Police have ruled out foul play and said no one else was inside the former House member’s office at the time of the incident.