CIS mum on teachers’ arrests

CLASSES at the Cebu International School have yet to resume amid the issuance of arrest warrants on its five teachers who took part in a field trip that resulted in the drownings of two students in Bataan in September last year.

As such the school’s offices were closed and no school officials were available to issue a response to the case. “It would be our lawyers who would answer your questions,” a female staffer who declined to be identified said in a phone call.

When Cebu Daily News visited the school, security guards said classes had yet to resume.

CIS teachers Susan Rigby, Socorro Laplana and Geronimo Alguno each posted P30,000 bail to the Regional Trial Court (RTC) in Danao City last Monday.

The three teachers surrendered to the Danao City police before they went to court to process their bail. Judge Gerry Dicdican of the RTC Branch 25 in Danao City ordered the release of the three teachers.

Last Monday, arrest warrants were issued by Acting Presiding Judge Remegio Escalada in the Regional Trial Court Branch 3 of Balanga City in Bataan.

The five teachers were charged by the Department of Justice (DOJ) for purportedly failing to secure the two Grade 8 students who drowned while swimming near the Kairukan Waterfalls in Morong, Bataan.

The drowning victims were Jae Hak “James” Jung and Kyle Gullas-Weckman, grade 8 students.

Kyle was the grandson of University of the Visayas owner and publisher Jose “Dodong”Gullas of the Freeman. Reporter Ador Vincent Mayol and Correspondent Joy Cherry S. Quito