Rama insists on replacing cop chief

Cebu City mayor Michael Rama on Tuesday visited PNP director Cesar Purisima in Camp Crame to reiterate his desire to have Senior Supt. Mariano Natu-el be replaced as chief of the Cebu City Police Office (CCPO).

“I have nothing against Natu-el. It is just my view and position that I should have a police director of my own choosing. That is what I wish to have when I assume on July,” said Rama.

Rama said he was told to put his request in writing.

Rama had wanted Senior Supt. Noli Romana to lead the CCPO but the Camp Crame named Natu-el as city director.

Rama said he told Purisima that he waited for the election to be over before raising his concerns.

During the visit, Rama said he also discussed with Purisima the city’s peace and order situation.

Rama said he will look for someone else if Romana is no longer available for the position.

Rama said he would not also mind if Natu-el’s replacement will come earlier than July 1.

“If the replacement is made earlier that is even better so that concerns will already be put on the table and bring about improvement of the peace and order in Cebu City,” he said.

Purisima had told Rama that his first written request of having a CCPO chief of his choice didn’t reach him.

Rama said he will be writing Purisima again to formalize his request but this time, he will have his letter sent by someone to Camp Crame to make sure that it reaches Purisima.

“No choice man sila because that (selection of a police director) is a privilege and a right given to a mayor. I really wish they can expedite the process,” Rama said.