Boy needs help for chemo

A two-year-old boy from Kinasang-an, Pardo, Cebu City is in need of medical assistance for his chemotherapy.

Rey Gabriel Sanchez was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), a cancer of the blood which has a high chance of cure if proper treatment is given.

Sanchez underwent chemotherapy after the diagnosis late last year but his parents decided to stop the treatment due to lack of financial resources.

The boy needs three more years of chemotherapy treatment.

Recently, Sanchez underwent chemotherapy again. But Gab’s parents could not be able to sustain his treatment without seeking help.

His father doesn’t have a regular job. He usually earns P300 a day from repairing electrical appliances. His mother is jobless.

Sanchez is asking kindhearted individuals for donation to help him finish his treatment.

Those who wish to give material and/or financial assistance may coordinate with the Kapwa Ko, Mahal Ko Foundation Inc.-Cebu at the Cebu City Health Building at 2324706, 4129020 and (0917) 6257090 or deposit donations directly to Unionbank at account no. 00-112-000066-2.

Please indicate the name of the patient in the deposit slip.