Ombud asked to suspend cop

A policeman who used to be assigned at the Police Civil Aviation Security unit in Mactan Cebu International Airport  has asked the military Ombudsman to suspend his former police superior, whom he earlier accused of forging public documents.

SPO1 Alfredo Diano yesterday filed the motion for preventive suspension  before the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for the Military and Other Law Enforcement Offices (Moleo) against Supt. Ritchie Posadas.

“I would like to let the Deputy Ombudsman of the Moleo know how very hostile and very oppressive the office environment of Supt. Posadas is in dealing with me, especially when I want to get copies of  documents and payrolls that are materials to my complaints. Even when I enter the office premises, the personnel are hesitant to entertain me on my official business requests purportedly through the orders of Supt. Posadas,” Diano said in his motion.

Last October, Diano filed three criminal complaints for malversation of funds, forgery and anti-graft and corrupt practices, and two administrative cases for dishonesty and misconduct against then Chief Insp. Posadas at the Moleo in Quezon City.

Diano, who was then a member of the Police Civil Aviation Security Unit headed by Posadas, claimed that another person was receiving his P1,000 allowance from the Lapu-Lapu City government even if he had already transferred to another assignment.

Diano accused Posadas of forging his signature when he approved the document for his allowance.

Diano told Cebu Daily News that he didn’t seek a preventive suspension against Posadas then because he didn’t find it difficult to get copies of documents and payrolls needed  for his complaint.


Diano said he was transferred in August to Dumaguete City, and yet somebody continues to  receive allowance from the Lapu-Lapu government under his name.

Posadas,  denied the allegations.

“He is getting back at me because I  reprimanded him during the inspections and activities that he didn’t show up. He needed to explain that,” Posadas said.

He also claimed that Diano’s status is absent without official leave (AWOL) since July 2012 for not reporting to his new post in Dumaguete since July 2012,” Posadas said.

He said that Diano was being investigated for being AWOL./Reporter Jucell Marie P. Cuyos