Drilon, Enrile met on opposition role in new Senate

Senator Franklin Drilon. FILE PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines – Senator Franklin Drilon revealed on Friday that he had met with Senate President  Juan Ponce-Enrile, who assured him that  the United Nationalist Alliance(UNA) will be a “constructive opposition” in the 16th Congress.

Drilon, who is actively seeking the support of his colleagues in his bid to become the next Senate president, said he and  Enrile  met  Thursday  in a hotel in  Makati City.

While UNA will actively engage the Liberal Party (LP)-led majority coalition in policy debates in the Senate, Drilon said Enrile assured him that  UNA would not obstruct legislation needed to address pressing national problems such as poverty and unemployment.

Drilon belongs to LP while  Enrile is part of UNA.

“We will not be an obstructionist,”  a statement from Drilon’s office quoted Enrile as telling him during their meeting.
In that meeting, Drilon  said  Enrile  did not express any objection to his plan to  also seek the support  of senators  identified  with him or the so-called “macho” bloc in the Senate,  which includes Senate Pro Tempore Jose “Jinggoy” Estrada, Senate Majority leader Vicente “Tito” Sotto III and Senator Gringo Honasan.

“Senator Enrile expressed no objection to my seeking the support of the senators presently identified with him or the so-called ‘macho bloc’ so that we can all work together on measures that can improve the lives of our people,” said Drilon.

Last week, Drilon also met with outgoing Senator Manny Villar, president of the Nacionalista Party where  he said he  got an assurance that the party would  stay with the LP coalition.

“Sen. Villar assured us that the NP will continue to support the President and his legislative agenda in the Senate and that there will be a common candidate of the coalition in the Senate,” Drilon said.

“The people sent a clear message with this election: let’s continue with what the President started three years ago,” he added.

Drilon identified important measures that need to be tackled in the next Congress like a new charter that would replace the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, rationalization of government fiscal incentive program, mining law, among others.