International school wants traffic near campus fixed

THE administration of Royal Oaks International School located in the United Nations Avenue in Mandaue City said heavy traffic is forcing some of their students to transfer school.

Royal Oaks president and owner Soccoro De Guia also cited accidents involving their students due to the heavy traffic in their school which is near the Marcelo Fernan Bridge.

Cebu Acting Gov. Agnes Magpale called for an emergency meeting of the Mactan Cebu Bridge Management Board (MCBMB) yesterday morning to hear out Royal Oak’s concerns.

“We’re making a request if we could make a U-turn where the traffic lights used to be or we could break the island in front of the entrance of our school,” she said.

In response, Magpale said that breaking the island in the national highway needs permission from the Department of Works and Highways Regional Director Ador Canlas and Mandaue City Mayor Jonas Cortes.

Mandaue’s Traffic Enforcement and Management (Team) chief Edwin Ermac said accommodating Royal Oak’s request may entail amendments of the city ordinance that provides for the traffic routes in the area.

“We also don’t want to be accused of favoring a certain establishment,” he said.

However, Ermac said they will meet again with officials of Royal Oaks to thresh out solutions to the problem.

Magpale said there should be a solution before June 13, the date MCBMB convenes again.