MILF to help ensure no breakaway faction will spoil settlement – Aquino

MANILA, Philippines—President Aquino said Friday the Moro Islamic Liberation Front has committed itself to help the government ensure that no breakaway armed group would continue the conflict in the southern Philippines should negotiations end with a peace agreement.

The President said there can be no peace unless all stakeholders are satisfied by any agreement that is reached between the government and the MILF.

Mr. Aquino made the remarks in light of a raging internal armed conflict between the MILF and the breakaway faction of Ameril Ombra Kato.

“They (MILF) are committed that once the agreement is done, they will also join us in ensuring that there is no need for anybody to break away,” President Aquino told reporters.

He said  the MILF has acknowledged that Kato was its internal problem. “I think they are handling it right now,” he added.

Mr. Aquino said the stakeholders in Mindanao would be consulted after the peace talks end with a draft agreement. This, he said, would ensure that there would be no “breakaway” groups that may continue the decades-long conflict.

“We are trying to speak with the entire Bangsamoro people. That is why at the end of the negotiations, we will present it before all of the stakeholders before presenting to the country at large,” President Aquino said.

“So without their support, we cannot achieve the peace that we want,” he added.