Pablo John faces tax raps; BIR probe on allies sought

Atax evasion complaint was filed by Grecilda “Gigi” Sanchez-Zaballero, a candidate for provincial boardmember of the Liberal Party, against gubernatorial candidate Pablo John Garcia before the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) regional office.

In her complaint Sanchez, who is running to represent Cebu’s 3rd district in the Provincial Board, said Garcia’s real properties showed a marked increase from P2 million in 2007 to P11.9 million the following year. His personal properties initially valued at P10.4 million in 2007 rose to P14.5 million in 2008, she said.

Zaballero also asked the BIR to investigate PB members Alex Binghay and Caesar Ian Zambo.

She alleged that the two PB members also had “massive real and personal property acquisition.”

Zaballero said Garcia’s P400,000 annual salary as a congressman could not justify his acquisition of properties within a short period of time.

Zaballero said she filed the complaint only now because people from Garcia’s camp decided to come out in the open.

She said Garcia’s Guadalupe home which he acquired for P900,000 was valued by real estate appraisers at P60 million.

But she said Garcia’s statement of assets and liabilities and net worth in 2011 showed that he declared his Guadalupe home to have been valued at P10.4 million.

Acting BIR Regional Director Herminio Palamine said they will look into the complaint.

In his press conference, Garcia dismissed the complaint as political harassment and a publicity stunt by Zaballero. He said he will also file a tax evasion complaint against Liberal Party Cebu (LP-Cebu) gubernatorial bet Hilario “Junjun” Davide III who paid less than P16,000 in taxes in 2010.

The Lawyers for Pablo John (LPJ) yesterday warned political parties “especially the LP-Cebu” from committing acts of cheating” during the elections. Correspondent Peter L. Romanillos