Tomas and the stakeholders

Even without PowerPoint slides, the way Rep. Tomas Osmeña explained his vision of the South Road Properties (SRP) during last Tuesday’s 888 News Forum may be enough to convince first time investors to buy into his proposal for mixed-use development of reclaimed land.

In fact, his explanation for the 300-hctare SRP packed in a lot more detail in five minutes than the prepared remarks of his rival, Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama, who talked about “making SRP beautiful” in his five-minute opening statement during the Mega Cebu Candidates Forum last April 29.

The mayor actually talked about all his grand plans in five minutes backed with PowerPoint slides while Osmeña was more free-flowing in his discussion of his programs which centered on his pet project, the SRP.

Correction, the SRP is not his property, Osmeña insisted, “It is for the people of Cebu City.”

Rightly so, for it is Cebuano taxpayers who are paying off the Japanese loan for the SRP (P500 million a year at one point) , and would have to add some more for other projects Osmeña is thinking of for Cebu City like the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT).

With his active role over two decades ago in the Metro Cebu Development Projects (MCDP) which saw the implementation of Cebu City and Mandaue city’s biggest road widening and infrastructure projects, like the second Mandaue-Mactan Bridge, it’s no surprise that Osmeña, a former Cebu city mayor turned congressman, can confidently discuss growth plans in Cebu City and even in the province with a sure hand.

It’s a local political reality that Osmeña tolerates little to zero opposition and has been flayed as an arrogant dictator by critics like the Garcias and Rama.

We wonder how he would respond to private sector stakeholders who have no other agenda than to pursue progress and have strong sentiments against flyovers and recommend a third Mactan Cebu bridge?

A viable, well-thought out design for a steel bridge connecting Cebu mainland to Shell Island and a causeway to Cordova town in Mactan was presented by the Movement for a Livable Cebu this week.

As presented by architect and civil engineer Joseph Michael Espina with valuable assistance from his architecture students in the University of San Carlos, the proposed bridge would not only ease traffic in Metro Cebu, but would enhance heritage sites and landmarks in Cebu City and include a much needed park.

While the MLC has clashed with Osmeña’s ally, former congressman Raul del Mar, over his persistence to build new flyovers in the inner city, it has to its credit steered away from partisan political linkages despite the support given by Mayor Rama.

No one has a monopoly of genius and vision.

Whoever wins the mayoralty election on Monday, be it Osmeña or Rama, we hope the new chief executive will act positively on initiatives of private stakeholders not necessarily identified with the victor’s fold, who can contribute more than their fair share to developing Cebu City and the province.