A 19-YEAR-OLD fisherman was found dead hanging by the neck in barangay Apitan, Barili, southern part of Cebu last Thursday.

Anolito Alquizalas was found suspended from a branch of a mango tree with a nylon rope tied around his neck.

Police said Alquizala had not gone home since Wednesday night.

Alquizalas’s mother Viviena said his son had been suffering from a nervous breakdown.

The mother was convinced that there was no foul play in the death, police said.

In barangay Lawaan, Talisay City, a man was found dead in his house Thursday night.

Police said the victim, Winne Cabaluna, had Leukemia, a type of cancer of the blood or bone marrow which is characterized by abnormal increase of immature white blood cells.

Police said it was the man’s nephew who found the body slumped on the floor.

Police said there were no signs of foul play./CORRESPONDENTS CHRISTINE EMILY L. PANTALEON


UNIDENTIFIED thieves burgled a house in barangay Paknaan, Mandaue City on Thursday afternoon.

Valuables worth at least P30,000 were stolen from the house of Estria Acierto, 38.

The thives entered the house by detaching the window’s jalousie blades, police said.

Among the stolen items were a Canon camera worth P16, 000, a cellphone P4,000 and a wristwatch worth P4,000./CNU INTERN NICE ANN TELERON


A DRIVER of a trucking company was shot by his co-worker in barangay Tejero, Cebu City.

Mario Bohol Garciano , 36, driver of FSA Trucking Services, was wounded in the arm and body.

The suspect, Alfredo Cavana, fled after the incident.

Cavana is the victim’s truck helper, police said.

Police said the two men argued Thursday night until Cavana took a gun and shot Garciano.

Although wounded Garciano was able to grab the gun from Cavana, who ran off.

Responding police brought Garciano to the Cebu City Medical Center.

Police recovered a .38 caliber revolver which was used in the shooting./CNU INTERN ALLET MARY TEVES