Do’s and Don’ts for BEIs on election day


* Provide two lanes for voters:express and regular.

The fast lane is for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), pregnant women and the elderly.

* Apologize to voters whose ballots got rejected.

* Let accredited foreign election observers enter the polling precincts. Answer their questions as long as they don’t disturb operations.


* Dont’ give priority numbers to voters. Let them fall in line

* Don’t let more than 20 voters inside the precinct. Start letting a voter inside after one is done.

* Don’t talk to election watchers or let them talk to voters.

* Don’t engage in verbal arguments with a party watcher. Let them file a written protest with the Comelec office.

* Don’t let any officer or member of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) of the Philippine National Police (PNP), any peace officer, any armed person and any barangay official, elected or appointed inside the precinct.

* Don’t give any replacement for rejected ballots. Voters or complainants should file a written objection if a ballot is rejected.

* Don’t accept food or any items from politicians and poll watchers.

* Don’t let party lawyers enter the precinct unless they are voting or are authorized watchers. /Correspondent Santino B. Bunachita