15K local, overseas jobs open for applicants

AT least 1,500 local and 15,000 overseas job vacancies are up for grabs when the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority in Central Visayas (Tesda) holds a jobs bridging project today at the University of Cebu main campus on Sanciangko Street, Cebu City.

This was announced by Fidel Magno of the Cebu City Deparment of Manpower Development and Placement.

Local and overseas employers will accept applicants in a one-stop center at UC, while government agencies will issue documents and work permits.

“This is our way of helping our graduates and the unemployed. This is a pre-Labor Day activity of Tesda,” said Tesda Regional Director Rosanna Urdaneta.

Cebu City is the third venue for Tesda’s jobs bridging program after Bohol last April 23 and Dumaguete yesterday.

Tesda Secretary Joel Villanueva will be attending the whole day activity.

Job opportunities available are in the tourism industry, construction, electronics and business process outsourcing sectors. Applicants need not require a college education as long as they have the technical expertise to go with the job, said Urdaneta.