‘Type O’ crowd floods Capitol grounds for rally

A SEA of “Type O” streamers, posters and campaign materials filled the Cebu Capitol grounds for the joint proclamation rally of Team PNoy and Bando Osmeña-Pundok Kauswagan (BO-PK) candidates at 5 p.m yesterday.

Last minute changes of road closures affected the entire stretch of Escario Street and a portion of Osmeña Boulevard from Fuente Osmeña to the Capitol grounds used by BO-PK supporters.

Escario Street was sealed to traffic at 2:45 p.m. forcing people to walk the 2 km stretch under the summer heat.

The Presidential Security Guard (PSG) requested the entire stretch to be closed for PNoy, said Rafael Yap, chief of the Cebu City Integrated Traffic Operations Management (Citom).

A young woman identified as Roseline Mabanag of barangay Buot, Cebu City fainted due to the heat.

BO-PK supporters like 63-year-old Adelfa Ardaba of barangay Talamban arrived at the Capitol grounds with more than 40 companions on board two jeepneys. The rally started shortly after 3 pm.

BO-PK youth volunteers entertained the crowd with songs and dances.

Liberal Party gubernatorial candidate Hilario Davide III promised a “12-0” victory in Cebu for Team Pnoy senate bets.

Re-electionist senatorial candidate Jamby Madrigal opened the gathering for the nine Team PNoy candidates, who took turns addressing the crowd.

Re-electionist Sen. Loren Legarda promised Cebuanos that the universal health coverage bill will be passed into law this year. She thanked Cebuanos for helping her top the votes in Cebu in 2007.

Fellow re-electionist senator Francis “Chiz” Escudero also sought Cebuano support while newcomer and Rep. Sonny Angara promised Cebuano voters that he will champion free education programs.

Candidate Grace Poe pledged to sponsor free lunches for public elementary schools and employment for new graduates.

Re-electionist senator Aquilino Pimentel III sang the John Lennon song “Imagine” adding new lyrics “imagine there’s no cheating” that drew cheers from the crowd.

Candidate Benigno “Bam” Aquino pledged more employment and business opportunities as his targets if elected to the Senate.

Candidates Cynthia Villar, Antonio Trillanes and Allan Peter Cayetano were unable to join the rally.

President Aquino arrived at the Capitol grounds at 6 pm with Interior and Local Governments Secretary Mar Roxas and Sen. Franklin Drilon.

Liberal Party-Cebu gubernatorial candidate Hilario Davide III promised Aquino a 12-0 win in Cebu next month.

In his speech, President Aquino thanked the Cebuanos for their warm welcome and support to his administration’s drive against corruption.

He cited the 26-km Mactan Island circumferential road worth P300 million which he said is cheaper than the P365 million spent on the controversial lampposts used for the 2007 Association of Southeast Nations (Asean) summit.

The lampposts are under investigaton by the Sandiganbayan and the Ombudsman.

“There won’t be any tourists who would visit Cebu just to watch unlighted lampposts,” the President said.

“Kung tama ang pamamahala, uunahin nating ang kalsada (If the governance is right, roads will be prioritized),” President Aquino added. He also thanked Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama for handling Cebu City’s traffic during the rally.

“Mike Rama salamat at nag traffic ka kanina (thank you for manning the traffic) ,” a grinning Aquino said.

The mayor supposedly offered Team Rama’s services in manning the traffic during the rally.

The President raised the hands of Osmeña and Vice Mayor Joy Augustus Young as well as proclaimed Davide, his running mate acting Cebu Gov. Agnes Magpale and 2nd district congressional candidate Wilfredo Caminero and the LP Bacolod team.

The President left the rally shortly after 7 p.m. With Correspondent Joy Cherry Quito and Siliman University Intern Kristine Ann M. Fernandez