Warmer days ahead for Cebu

CEBU can expect warmer days ahead as temperatures at their highest will hover between 33 to 35 degrees Celsius starting today until Thursday this week.

The state weather bureau Pagasa said today’s temperature will measure 24 degrees and rise to 34 degrees Celsius with partly cloudy to cloudy skies, light to moderate northeasterly winds and slight to moderate coastal waters.

Tomorrow’s temperate is expected to go up to 35 degrees, the highest so far since the onset of the summer season last month.

There have been no reported cases of heat stroke in Cebu so far.

Pagasa’s Mactan office advised Cebu residents to drink plenty of fluids and avoid outside exposure from 9 a.m to 2 p.m and to wear light colored clothing.

The Disaster Preparedness and First Aid Handbook, a project of the Senate committee on Climate Change, also outlined emergency measures to deal with heat stroke patients.

According to the manual, heat stroke patients should be placed comfortably in a cool area and their body temperature checked.

They should be given cold sponge baths and their clothing loosened to allow for easier breathing.

If available, ice packs should also be administered in various parts of the body.

Should convulsion occur, they should be given first aid and brought to the nearest hospital for treatment.