‘Don’t be a scam victim’

BE careful in investing your money especially in non-registered businesses to avoid being victims of investment scams.

Lawyer Lindeza R. Gavino, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) director in Region 7 and 8, gave this advice to the public especially those in the rural areas.

If you want to invest money in an unfamiliar company or agency, first get an opinion from lawyers, stock brokers and government agencies to guide you, Gavino said in a forum on Wednesday.

And if you have invested your money always ask for official receipts in the name of the corporations or entities, Gavino said.

She also encouraged scam victims to report immediately to the police or respective government agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Justice, and the National Bureau of Investigation.


She said that informing the authorities immediately would prevent others from being victimized by these investment scammers.

“Victims do not immediately report when they are being scammed because some of them are still hoping that their money that they invested will still be recovered,” she said.

She also warned the public not to be be taken in by unexpected telephone calls, letters, emails or suspicious offers promising big returns and asking for immediate investments.

Gavino said the SEC was conducting an information drive to prevent more people from being victimized from these kinds of scams..

Because of the rampant reports of scams, the SEC is conducting and holding seminars to increase the people’s awareness about these scams./Correspondent Michelle Joy Padayhag