Families bound for the provinces flock the Araneta Bus terminal in Quezon City for the Holy Week. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO
MANILA, Philippines—Death toll during the Holy week increased to 25, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council said Monday.
Of the recorded separate incidents, 11 cases were due to drowning, eight from vehicular accidents, three from gunshot wounds, two from fire incidents and one was from a stabbing incident.
Missing persons increased to three, after one was reported missing in Sta. Magdalena, Sorsogon on Sunday. Bonifacio Guatno went on fishing Saturday morning but only his boat was recovered in the afternoon.
The NDRRMC also recorded a total of 583 persons injured from separate incidents across the country, 490 of which were from the participants of the Black Nazarene procession in Quiapo, Manila on Good Friday.
Thirty persons were injured in a vehicular accident in Kennon Road in Baguio on Easter Sunday afternoon.
The driver of the Isuzu elf truck, George Necesito, reportedly lost control of the vehicle.