Australia teacher accused of roping child to chair

PERTH—A teacher at an Australian school is under investigation for allegedly tying a five-year-old boy to a chair with a skipping rope as punishment for misbehaving, a report said Wednesday.

Police told the West Australian newspaper they received a report from a school east of Perth that a female teacher used the rope to restrain the child on two occasions.

She allegedly tied his hands behind his back for about one minute before releasing him and when he continued being disruptive, she reportedly roped him to a chair in the corner of the classroom for about five minutes.

The newspaper said another member of staff witnessed the incidents and informed police, who have asked the Education Department to investigate.

Western Australia’s director general of education, Sharyn O’Neil, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation she was disappointed to hear of the incident.

“Teachers are in a special position of trust, and so this allegation is particularly disappointing,” she said.

“I think parents should be able to send their children to school and understand that those children are going to be looked after and looked after well.

“If the allegation is proven, it will be taken most seriously.”

Last year, a teacher in the Western Australian town of Kalgoorlie was disciplined for sticky-taping the mouths of nine young children to stop them talking in class.