Popelessly in Love

KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!] Rod tapped on the glass pane of the chaplain’s office. “Father, may I come in?”

“Sure Rod, everyone knows that the office is always open to anyone, anytime!”

“Thanks, Father. So when is it closed?” he asked, scanning the bulletin board for some sign indicating the office hours.

“Well, I guess it IS now, since you’ve just barged in to fill the void.”

“Hey, are you saying that I’m gaining weight?”

“Nope, I only meant…never mind, Rod. What brings you here?”

“Father, I just wanted to say that I’m ‘popelessly in love’!” He sat down on the opposite couch.

“Hey, that’s a first time I’ve heard such an expression. What do you mean by that?”

“These days many people seem sad and lost because Benedict XVI stepped down. They find it hard to live the reality of the Pope stepping down, resigning because he humbly expressed his inability to continue with the weight of His office.”

“Okay, so how does that connect with your unique expression?”

“Quite simple, Father. The fact that there is still no visible head of the Catholic Church, helps me –and perhaps may also help others– to now providentially feel and support the weight of the entire Church.”

“…feel and support…,” I repeated his words.

“Yeh, like it’s not every day that we get this real chance to feel Church and support Church with our prayers, sacrifices and daily work.”

“All right, but don’t we and shouldn’t we already be doing what you say you’re doing with or without a Pope? Isn’t this what every Catholic faithful ought to be proactively and spiritually doing?”

“…but…,” Rod paused and pondered on my question.

“And yet, you claim that there’s something more?” I continued to prod the fellow’s mind.

“I agree, Father. But it’s not every day that the Church doesn’t have a Pope, right? So this somehow makes us feel like orphans. Something like when my folks have to go on vacation and I’m left to take care of things in the house. There is some difference, don’t you agree, Father?”

“I see your point, Rod.”

“This must be a way that God makes us feel how each faithful truly matters within His Church and the communion of the saints. That even though we’re ‘popeless’, we’re not like ‘hopeless’, but even more in love because we see God really stirring His church towards a sure port.”

[GASP!] “Rod, that’s quite some thought there. You don’t mind if I share it with others?”

“Of course not, Father. Just wanted to share it first with you ‘coz I felt wonderful when it popped out in my mind during our Literature exam.”

“Literature exam?”

“Yup. I was kinda lost with the essay, and I decided that I could offer that tough moment for many others who may be in a worse case than I was in. That’s when the idea of being popelessly in love came in.”

“It’s really a wonder how the Holy Spirit works, right?”


* * *

A Novena Prayer for the Conclave

“Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of the Father,

send down Your Spirit over the Conclave.

Let the Holy Spirit inspire the hearts of the Cardinals,

that they may choose the Man

most pleasing to You,

as Successor of Peter and Your Vicar on Earth.

May Mary, Your Mother and Mother of the Church,

be our Advocate.


Pope Trivia