Minor facing rape raps

POLICE arrested a 16-year-old boy accused of raping a 10-year-old girl in Dalaguete town, southern Cebu.

Police said the alleged abuse happened in 2011.

The boy was arrested in his house past 11 p.m. Tuesday after he went into hiding.

He was arrested on the basis of a warrant issued by Regional Trial Court Judge Maximo Perez of Branch 26 in Argao.

The boy denied the accusations against him.

The victim, a special child, claims she was sexually abused several times, Insp. Dexter Basirgo, Dalaguete police chief, said.

Police said the victim first reported the abuse to her teacher.

Basirgo said the boy acted with discernment when he committed the crime according to a certificate issued by the Department of Social Welfare and Development./Correspondent Joy Cherry S. Quito