World’s longest cat dies in Nevada
In this file photo taken July 1, 2009, Robin Hendrickson stretches out her Maine Coon cat Stewie outside of her home in Reno, Nevada. AP PHOTO/RENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL, ANDY BARRON
RENO, Nevada —The Nevada owner of the longest domestic cat in the world says Stewie has died.
Guinness World Records declared Stewie the Cat the record-holder in August 2010, measuring 48.5 inches (1,232 millimeters) from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail.
Robin Hendrickson told KOLO-TV in Reno that Stewie lost his battle with cancer at about 7:30 p.m. Monday. He was 8 years old.
Hundreds of fans have flooded Stewie’s Facebook site with memories and condolences.
The Maine Coon cat’s full name was Mymains Stewart Gilligan. Hendrickson bought him from a breeder in Hermiston, Oregon, in 2005.
The previous record-holder, Leo, owned by Frieda Ireland of Chicago, died several years ago. There’s no word yet from Guinness about a new record-holder.