De Lima defers placing former president under immigration watchlist

MANILA, Philippines—Justice Secretary Leila De Lima said Tuesday she would not yet place former President, now Pampanga Representative, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in the Bureau of Immigration’s watchlist.

“Considering her situation today, it’s better that we defer issuing an order to the BI,” De Lima told reporters .

Arroyo is currently confined at St. Luke’s Hospital in Taguig City recuperating from a surgery.

But De Lima clarified that it does not mean that she would no longer place the former chief executive under its watchlist.

De Lima said Arroyo has a pending plunder case before the Department of Justice (DoJ) and the DoJ has the authority to order the issuance of a Hold Departure Order against her if this becomes necessary.

The Bureau of Immigration is an attached agency of the DoJ .